Wednesday, October 26, 2005

T. Gobbler Swoop Turkey

Tom Turkey has never looked so yummy. Celtic Knots & wild color thread in sizes 10 and 80 together with a couple of black seed beads for eyes make this 3D bird a sight to behold.

The animals I have done that will be in a book of Tatted Farm animals by request include the chicken, turtle, and turkey. Still to come are a cow, pig, horse, goat, & who knows what else, along with creepy crawlies.

Now, where's the dressing and mashed potatoes & gravy & of course the pumpkin pie?

I remember thanksgiving day at my grandmother's house when I was little. She cooked a big turkey, a pheasant, ham, and rabbit. My grandpa Bob liked going hunting, and we enjoyed a real feast with all the trimmings!