Sunday, October 21, 2007

Celtic Knot Skeleton - Copyright 2007 Ruth Perry - Rozella Linden

My friend Donna, in Middletown, brought a page torn out of a magazine to the Queen City Lace Guild meeting last week. Oh my it looks SO MUCH like tatting!!! AARp magazine Sept 07 issue, p67. The image on the back of this page is so beautiful I could see hundreds of tatting projects in it. It looks like there are butterflies and angels, doilies, and right smack in the middle is a little Celtic Knot skeleton.

Donna asked me if I could tat him, so I'm giving it a shot. While my skeleton above is quite different than the line drawing, after all it is tatting, it follows the design for the ribs and pelvis. I will try to get the legs tatted tomorrow, and post a photo of him when he is finished!

Since it's not Halloween yet, I guess he hasn't made it all the way back to this world yet.
